Nigerian French singer songwriter Asa is back after two critically acclaimed albums and a monster tour. The new album Bed of Stone has proved Asa’s short hiatus was worth the wait highlighting this signers distinctive vocals in her most raw and stripped back state to date.
Signed to Niave records who has the likes of Carla Bruni on their books the success of the Album Beautiful Imperfections saw her touring the world for two long years. In that time the album had a top five spot on Billboard’s World Music chart and France’s prestigious Prix Constantin and Best Female Nominee at the Victoire de la Musique. With a few years to breathe she is happy to be back on the road. After time recording around the world and ending up in Sussex with one of her long and trusted producers Blair MacKIchan who has worked with the likes of Lilly Allen, Sia and Paloma Faith.
Singing isn’t Asa’s only talent she has recently set up the Dreamer Girl Foundation. This is an initative to get children reading more in Nigeria by building and equping library book clubs in primary schools. You can find more on facebook about the foundation and how Asa hopes to encourage all children to continue with their dreams.
Catching up with Asa backstage at the Union Chapel for her recent London gig she talked about how great it was to be back on the road and how much that feels like her home. Asa is a very cool lady with a definite je ne sais quoi, her openness and frank sincercrity made it easy to be be completely engaged in everthing she spoke about. Listen below to the interviews in full.