Keefe D will have to wait a bit longer to learn if he will be able to be released on bond after being accused of 2Pac‘s murder.

According to a report from the AP, Clark County District Court Judge Carli Kierny decided at a hearing on Tuesday (June 25) that she will delay the decision about whether to approve Keefe’s $750,000 bond, which the accused killer said late last week that he’d gathered the resources to pay.

“I don’t really see where the money is coming from,” Judge Kierny said. She announced that her decision about whether the suspect would be freed pending trial would happen after she finishes looking at financial records.

One issue is the involvement of controversial manager Cash “Wack 100” Jones, who claimed on Instagram on Sunday (June 23) that he “finalized” Keefe D’s bond.

Jones reportedly paid over $100,000 to secure a New Jersey-based insurance company to cover the remainder of the cost of the bond. At the hearing, Jones claimed that his contribution was a “gift.”

Prosecutors had a different explanation, saying that the manager only paid in order to secure an interview with the accused killer.

“I…don’t find the defense has met the burden … to show that the bail is not connected to [Keefe] ultimately talking about Mr. Shakur’s murder, and any evidence to contrary is not credible,” the judge said.

Jones did admit to wanting to interview Keefe, but said he planned on doing it after the suspect’s trial, which is scheduled to begin in November.

Judge Kierny has not set a timetable for her decision about the bond.

Keefe’s attorneys submitted their request for house arrest back in January.

At the time, they claimed that their client “poses no danger” due to his ill health.

They also said that he will not flee prior to the trial.

This followed a previous request for leniency for their client made at the end of last year — one that was denied after Keefe was deemed “too dangerous” for bail.

According to documents obtained by TMZ in December 2023, the state of Nevada pushed back on Keefe’s request to be released from custody on his own recognizance.

ScHoolboy Q has weighed in on Donald Trump and Joe Biden’s presidential debate, which took an unexpected detour into his favorite sport.

The two presidential opponents faced off the first time in Atlanta on Thursday (June 27) ahead of the 2024 election, with CNN anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash serving as moderators.

The 90-minute affair, which didn’t feature a studio audience, was defined by rambling answers by the current president and lies and misstatements by his predecessor.

At one point, the topic of golf came up when Trump used his prowess on the links in an attempt to prove he’s fit to take office for a second term.

“I just won two club championships, not even senior. Two regular club championships,” he claimed. “To do that, you have to be quite smart and you have to be able to hit the ball a long way, and I do it.

“He [Biden] doesn’t do it. He can’t even hit a ball 50 yards. He challenged me to a golf match; he can’t hit a ball 50 yards.”


Biden responded by saying: “Look, I’d be happy to have a driving contest with him. I got my handicap, which when I was vice president, down to a six. And by the way, I told you before, I’m happy to play golf — if you carry your own bag. Think you can do it?”

Trump hit back: “That’s the biggest lie that he’s a six handicap — of all,” before adding: “I’ve seen your swing. I know your swing.”


Biden then stumbled over his words while clarifying that he’s actually an eight handicap.

The bizarre interaction didn’t go unnoticed by golf aficionado ScHoolboy Q, who was unconvinced by both men’s statements.

“THey talking bout golf im crying braH [crying face emoji],” he wrote on X (formerly Twitter). “biden ain’t no 6 Handicap dawg. trump definitely cHeated during tHe club cHampionsHip [USA flag].”

In a separate post, he added: “THis sHit Hilarious [USA flag],” while also getting a laugh out of Trump’s comment about Biden’s “swing.”




The TDE rapper is something of a golf pro himself having competed in competitions such as the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am. He even starred alongside Tiger Woods in the trailer for the video game PGA Tour 2K23.

Q took up the sport around 2018 and has credited it with helping him improve his life.

“Coming from where I come from, the life that I had, I never thought about playing golf,” he explained in 2022. “I got into it, and it changed my mental, it let me learn myself as a person.

“Like, this is why certain things in my life are going bad or certain things are going good, because of the attitude thing. It fixed my attitude in life. It fixed a whole lot of things about me in life.”

He added: “Life is a golf game. Some good shots, some bad shots. But most importantly, keep going because you never know. Don’t give up because you’re in the sand on your fourth shot, you might chip it in. It just taught me a lot about life, you feel me?”