Tyler is pulling out all the stops.

Tyler The Creator is entering a different phase of his career. He went from controversial emcee to critical darling to hip-hop icon. His recent performance at Kendrick Lamar's "Pop Out" show solidified this pivot. Tyler is taking the momentum from that iconic show and carrying it right into his own festival, Camp Flog Gnaw. The festival is turning ten this year, which means the former Odd Future leader will be going above and beyond to make sure fans get their money's worth.

Tyler announced the dates for Camp Flog Gnaw 2024, fittingly, on June 24. The two-day festival will take place on November 16-17 at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles. The tickets will go on sale Friday, June 28th and the advance ticket sales will go up a day earlier, on June 27th. Camp Flog Gnaw's website confirms that general admission tickets will be $345 + fees for both days. VIP passes will be $625 + fees, and the Super VIP passes will be $1,695 + fees. The lineup for Camp Flog Gnaw 2024 has yet to be announced. Tyler The Creator's official festival poster confirmed that the artists will be unveiled at a later date.

Tyler The Creator's Festival Will Take Place In November

Camp Flog Gnaw has had its fair share of iconic moments over the years. Tyler The Creator getting a chance to his interview his idol, Pharrell, in 2014, went viral. There was also the infamous Drake show in 2018. He was Tyler The Creator's surprise guest, but fans expecting Frank Ocean proceeded to boo the 6 God offstage. Tyler came to Drake's defense, and criticized fans. "Then when that happened and these motherf**kers is like 'f*ck you'," he told BET. "It's a reflection on me to Aubrey." The irony, of course, is that Tyler has moved over to team Kendrick Lamar.

Tyler The Creator was praised for bringing the festival back in 2023. The pandemic made it difficult to put on between 2020 and 2022. "Covid f*cked us, bro," the rapper told the crowd. "Didn’t leave a towel, didn’t call to see if we made it home safe, just f*cked us. But three or four years later, and y’all still care to come." Tyler also thanked fans for showing support and keeping the festival alive. "To know this random idea I had, brings the spirit of L.A. up for two days," he explained. "I say this with every bone in my body: Thank you all."

ScHoolboy Q has weighed in on Donald Trump and Joe Biden’s presidential debate, which took an unexpected detour into his favorite sport.

The two presidential opponents faced off the first time in Atlanta on Thursday (June 27) ahead of the 2024 election, with CNN anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash serving as moderators.

The 90-minute affair, which didn’t feature a studio audience, was defined by rambling answers by the current president and lies and misstatements by his predecessor.

At one point, the topic of golf came up when Trump used his prowess on the links in an attempt to prove he’s fit to take office for a second term.

“I just won two club championships, not even senior. Two regular club championships,” he claimed. “To do that, you have to be quite smart and you have to be able to hit the ball a long way, and I do it.

“He [Biden] doesn’t do it. He can’t even hit a ball 50 yards. He challenged me to a golf match; he can’t hit a ball 50 yards.”


Biden responded by saying: “Look, I’d be happy to have a driving contest with him. I got my handicap, which when I was vice president, down to a six. And by the way, I told you before, I’m happy to play golf — if you carry your own bag. Think you can do it?”

Trump hit back: “That’s the biggest lie that he’s a six handicap — of all,” before adding: “I’ve seen your swing. I know your swing.”


Biden then stumbled over his words while clarifying that he’s actually an eight handicap.

The bizarre interaction didn’t go unnoticed by golf aficionado ScHoolboy Q, who was unconvinced by both men’s statements.

“THey talking bout golf im crying braH [crying face emoji],” he wrote on X (formerly Twitter). “biden ain’t no 6 Handicap dawg. trump definitely cHeated during tHe club cHampionsHip [USA flag].”

In a separate post, he added: “THis sHit Hilarious [USA flag],” while also getting a laugh out of Trump’s comment about Biden’s “swing.”




The TDE rapper is something of a golf pro himself having competed in competitions such as the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am. He even starred alongside Tiger Woods in the trailer for the video game PGA Tour 2K23.

Q took up the sport around 2018 and has credited it with helping him improve his life.

“Coming from where I come from, the life that I had, I never thought about playing golf,” he explained in 2022. “I got into it, and it changed my mental, it let me learn myself as a person.

“Like, this is why certain things in my life are going bad or certain things are going good, because of the attitude thing. It fixed my attitude in life. It fixed a whole lot of things about me in life.”

He added: “Life is a golf game. Some good shots, some bad shots. But most importantly, keep going because you never know. Don’t give up because you’re in the sand on your fourth shot, you might chip it in. It just taught me a lot about life, you feel me?”